Monday, February 12, 2007

James Blake - Knock It Off.

James Blake needs to applauded for coming through so much hardship and obstacles to reach the top 5 in the world as a tennis player.

But 2006 season was the best season he will ever have. He is almost 28 and with young gunners almost knocking the door down, his time to move up the rankings past number 4 and winning 5 titles like he did last year, is over.

The most confusing part of Blake is the complements he showers on his opponent during the match like 'great shot', 'too much', 'excellent', 'too good', etc. If he is thinking we will start praising him for being a sportsman, he must be smoking grass. That's not sportsmanship, that's 'demoralize-yourself-ship'. No one is gaining from it except the opponent. Cut it out, already.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Blake is done. He must have regrets that he started to get better so late, but he still did pretty good, considering the circumstances.