Monday, February 12, 2007

Tiger Woods - Blond Syndrome.

It is a mystery when non-white celebrities and sportsmen marry blond girls. It is clear, these girls would not even give them a second look, if not for their money.

Oh, yeah! She just fell in love with you the first time she saw you. Give me a break!

You gotta be a moron to think that. It is obviously a union of convenience. She gets your money - forever - and you get a trophy wife - for a while. You are stupid to think this is going to last.

Add to it, the fact, the girl is a former nude model. What are you thinking? And you are bringing a kid in the mix? The poor kid is screwed even before his birth.

Reminds you of somebody? Someone with a bronco?

Check out this looni too, who is also asking for it. Click here.


Anonymous said...

This is true.

Anonymous said...

It's his choice. I don't think it is the right one, but he has that right.